Non Immigrant visa

A U.S. Non-Immigrant Visa allows foreigners that have no immigrant intent, to enter the United States for limited period of time. Each visa has its own respective criteria and application process. Keep in mind that if you have immigrant intent and you nonetheless apply for non-immigrant visa, it is considered misrepresentation and may result in a permanent bar from entry into the United States.

Often times a foreigner enters the U.S. on an F-1 student, non-immigrant visa to attend undergraduate or graduate school in the United States. Once the schooling is completed, the student may then want to apply for a temporary work visa, such as an H-1B visa. Therefore, it is essential that they seek an immigration attorney that would carefully review any immigration history and eligibility requirements in order to successfully change the applicant’s status from a student visa to a temporary work visa.

A temporary work visa allows someone to lawfully work in the United States for a limited period of time. In order to obtain a temporary work visa, the prospective employer should file a non-immigrant petition with the Department of Homeland Security. The application process is complex and lengthy, so it is highly advised that an experienced immigration attorney complete the application. The temporary work visa is only valid as long as the beneficiary is still employed with the company that petitioned for him/her.

For official and current information regarding Non-immigrant visas, please reference the U.S. Department of State and USCIS’ web page on the topic.

The Law Office of Pallavi Davé can assist you in any query related to obtaining a Non-immigrant visa. For more information, please Contact Us.

Non Immigrant Visas